tennis, vestibular system, sports experience, cardiovascular system.Abstract
Objective of the study was to identify the reaction of the cardiovascular system to vestibular irritation in tennis players with different lengths of sports experience.
Methods and structure of the study. 58 young tennis players (19.5±0.6 years old) were observed, regularly training for different periods: one year - 19 athletes, two years - 21 athletes, three years - 18 athletes. The control group (22 young men) consisted of clinically healthy volunteers (20.2±0.4 years) who had never been involved in sports before. The functional parameters of the heart and vascular system were recorded under conditions of vestibular load, using a rotational test with head tilts to the right and left. For data processing, Student's t-test was applied.
Results and conclusions. For the successful performance of motor actions in tennis, the level of development of the vestibular apparatus is very significant, which provides the brain with information about the localization of the body in space and the process of maintaining the necessary posture. Increasing the length of tennis training strengthens the cardiovascular system and stimulates vestibular stability. The maximum pulse stability was found in tennis players with three years of sports experience and the greatest experience in training situations associated with rapid movements at different angles. We can assume that playing tennis trains the cardiovascular system, ensuring the stability of its work under conditions of vestibular stimulation.
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