Model indicators of physical fitness and development of military servants of the Venezuela army


  • Salmeron Mallorca David Alejandro Siberian Federal University
  • Ponomarev V.V. Siberian Federal University

Ключевые слова:

model indicators, physical fitness, physical development, military personnel, army, Venezuela.


Introduction. In modern military conflicts, along with other types of training, the physical preparedness of military personnel of the armies of various countries, including military personnel of the Venezuelan army, is important for the effective performance of various tasks. The physical fitness of military personnel is based on the developed applied physical qualities necessary to perform various tasks assigned by the command. In this direction, it is necessary to effectively and quickly develop proper physical fitness among military personnel for the systemic and mobile readiness of the Armed Forces, to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the state. The developed model indicators of physical readiness, which show and direct to the necessary guidelines for the formation of proper applied physical qualities in military personnel, become important in the mobile physical training of military personnel. The present work was carried out in this direction.

Objective of the study was to substantiate and develop model indicators of physical fitness and physical development of military personnel of the Venezuelan army and recommend them for practice.

Methods and structure of the study. The study involved members of the Venezuelan army. The sample size was 100 people. During the year, the content and level of physical fitness of military personnel of 1 and 2 years of military service were monitored. The necessary factual material on the physical fitness of the Venezuelan army personnel was collected. Based on this statistical material, model indicators of physical fitness and physical development of military personnel of the Venezuelan army were developed.

Results and conclusions.   During the scientific research, the following indicators of physical fitness were analyzed: strength indicators of the upper shoulder girdle and abdominals, general endurance and mobility of the musculoskeletal system. Physical development was also determined: height (cm), weight (kg), dynamometry of the hands (kg). 

The table presents model indicators of physical fitness and development of military personnel of the Venezuelan army, which the country’s military specialists need to focus on for effective physical training of employees of the Armed Forces of the state.

Conclusions. The scientific work carried out made it possible to identify and formulate model indicators of physical fitness and physical development of military personnel of the Venezuelan army. All this as a whole allows you to quickly, effectively and with the proper indicators to form the physical fitness of the Venezuelan army.

Библиографические ссылки

Garipov N.N., Ponomarev V.V. Sovremennaya model podgotovlennosti prizyvnika k sluzhbe v Vooruzhennykh Silakh Rossii. Aktualnyye voprosy fizicheskoy kultury i sporta. Proceedings national scientific-practical conference. Tomsk: TSPU publ., 2008. pp. 154-159.

Espinosa Tirado Marjores Tyryuma, Chernyshenko Yu.K. Sistema fizicheskoy podgotovki v armii Bolivarianskoy Respubliki Venesuely. Materialy yezhegodnoy otchetnoy nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov i soiskateley Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta fizicheskoy kultury, sporta i turizma. Krasnodar: KGUFKST publ., 2018. pp. 151-153.

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Как цитировать

Salmeron Mallorca David Alejandro, & Ponomarev V.V. (2024). Model indicators of physical fitness and development of military servants of the Venezuela army. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (2), 65. извлечено от




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