Media strategies of professional football clubs


  • Ruslan Viktorovich Bekurov St. Petersburg State University
  • Lai Lingzhi St. Petersburg State University
  • Lyudmila Petrovna Maryna St. Petersburg State University

Ключевые слова:

club media, sports media communications, mass media, football brands, information technology, advertising, media sports, sports organizations, journalism.


Article attempts to analyze the functionality of club media of leading Russian and European football clubs. In particular, the material includes a reasoned, case-based assumption about the need for a media component in the structures of such organizations, regardless of their status.

The concept of the article was determined by fundamental and applied research in the field of sports communications and sports journalism. These include the works of K. Alekseev and S. Ilchenko, S. Mikhailov and A. Mostov, E. Votik, M. Danilova, M. Vishnevsky, I. Tkachev, I. Lyulevich and V. Kostikov.

The interdisciplinary nature of the study led to the application of a systematic approach using the method of analysis (structural and comparative) and generalization. The authors identify the status of football clubs as subjects of sports media communication, review the media assets of football clubs in Russia and abroad, identify the main channels and tools of interaction between clubs and fans. The main conclusion is the thesis about the inevitability of the functioning of a modern football club as an effective media company, including for the construction and development of a club brand.

Биографии авторов

Ruslan Viktorovich Bekurov, St. Petersburg State University

Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor

Lai Lingzhi, St. Petersburg State University

Candidate of Political Sciences, Senior lecturer

Lyudmila Petrovna Maryna, St. Petersburg State University

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor

Библиографические ссылки

Alekseev K. A., Ilchenko S.N. Fundamentals of sports journalism: Textbook for university students. – M.: Publishing house "Aspect Press", 2016. – 240 p.

Votik E.A. Sports media communication in Russia at the beginning of the XXI century – Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk State University, 2013. – 240 p.

Garanina E. A modern football club is a media company // Electronic resource Rusbase. – Date of publication: 01.03.2018. – URL: / (Access date: 25.01.2022).

Kostikov V. Technologies of using new media in the promotion of sports brands // Media Almanac. – 2017. – No. 1. – pp. 47-56.

Lyulevich I.Y. Identification of media strategy in the field of sports as a basic model of PR-activity // Public relations in sports: education, trends, international experience: materials of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (April 23-24, 2009). – Krasnodar: KSUFKST, 2009. – pp. 53-55.

Rating of the richest clubs – 2021 // Electronic resource Deloitte. – Date of publication: 10/22/2021. – URL: (Access date: 07.06.2021).

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Как цитировать

Bekurov, R. V. ., Lingzhi, L. ., & Maryna, . L. P. (2022). Media strategies of professional football clubs. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (5), 45–48. извлечено от

