Content and organization of sports training taijiquan for adults
Ключевые слова:
Taijiquan, training, content, physical activity, training orientation.Аннотация
The content of adult Taijiquan sports training needs to be adjusted and a more accurate
scientific approach to the organization of classes. It is important to take into account such important aspects
that a significant part of those involved consider Taijiquan as a sport, engaging in this type of activity at least three times a week. Training sessions have their own specifics, determined to a greater extent by the correction and maintenance of one's body, as well as
the psychosomatic regulation of the body.
Библиографические ссылки
Wang Lin Tajczziczyuan: iskusstvo garmonii i metod prodleniya zhizni: ucheb. posobie. Rostov n/D: Feniks: Krasnodar: E`ksperim. kolledzh Kuban. gos. akad. fiz. kul`tury`, 2003 (Rostov n/D: ZAO Kniga). 222 s.
Zhu Ts., Baranov V.A.Social`noe znachenie tajczziczyuan` v sovremennom kitajskom obshhestve V sbornike: Molody`e nauke. Materialy` Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodny`m uchastiem studentov i molody`x ucheny`x. – Moskva.2022. S. 700-703.
Yu Zhijun` Istoki teorii tajczziczyuan`: populyarny`j kommentarij na osnove «Kanona peremen»; per. s kit. A.O. Milyanyuka; Federal`noe gos. byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie nauki In-t Dal`nego Vostoka RAN, Issledovatel`skoe o-vo «Tajczzi». – Moskva: In-t Dal`nego Vostoka RAN, 2014. 606 s.
Дополнительные файлы
- 2025-03-09 (2)
- 2025-03-09 (1)
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