Prospects for financial support for physical culture and sports in the Sverdlovsk Region


  • Polyakova E.Yu. Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
  • Lvova M.I. Ural State University of Economics
  • Naboychenko E.S. Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
  • Yuzvovich L.I. Ural State University of Economics
  • Knyazeva E.G. Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

Ключевые слова:

physical education, sports, financing of government programs, financial support.


Objective of the study was to justify the development of theoretical and methodological aspects of regional financing of physical culture and sports, taking into account trends in the budgetary provision of these expenses in the Russian Federation.

Methods and structure of the study. System-structural, functional, factorial and comparative methods of analysis were used with the construction of analytical models based on the synthesis of modern scientific methods of cognition of economic and social phenomena.

Results and conclusions.  The article discusses the reasons for the growth, subsequent decline and prospects for the development of physical culture and sports in the Sverdlovsk region in the coming years. It is noted that sustainable economic development in this area is impossible without attracting more extra-budgetary sources, which currently does not meet the target. This issue becomes especially acute in anticipation of the sequestration of regional budget expenditures on physical culture and sports in 2023-2025, which confirms the relevance of the study.

Биографии авторов

Lvova M.I. , Ural State University of Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Naboychenko E.S. , Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin


Yuzvovich L.I. , Ural State University of Economics

Dr. Sc. Econ.

Библиографические ссылки

«Byudzhet dlya grazhdan» po itogam ispolneniya oblastnogo byudzheta za 2016-2022 g. Ministerstvo finansov Sverdlovskoy oblasti. Available at: (date of access: 26.09.2023).

Otchety o vypolnenii meropriyatiy gosudarstvennoy programmy za 2017-2022 gg. Available at: (date of access: 26.09.2023).

Portal gosudarstvennykh programm Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Available at:

Poyasnitelnaya zapiska na 01.01.2023. Otchet o realizatsii gosudarstvennoy programmy. Ministerstvo fizicheskoy kultury i sporta Sverdlovskoy oblasti. Available at: (date of access: 26.09.2023).

Prilozheniye k Strategii razvitiya fizicheskoy kultury i sporta v Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2030 goda. Available at: (date of access: 26.09.2023).

Sayt polnomochnogo predstavitelya Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii v UrFO. Available at: (date of access: 26.09.2023).

Statisticheskiye dannyye ofitsialnogo sayta Ministerstva sporta Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Available at: (date of access: 26.09.2023).

Strategiya razvitiya fizicheskoy kultury i sporta v Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2030 goda. Available at: (date of access: 26.09.2023).

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Как цитировать

Polyakova E.Yu., Lvova M.I., Naboychenko E.S., Yuzvovich L.I., & Knyazeva E.G. (2024). Prospects for financial support for physical culture and sports in the Sverdlovsk Region. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (6), 28–31. извлечено от




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