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Контрольный список подготовки материала к отправке

В качестве одного из этапов процесса отправки авторы должны проверить соответствие их материала всем следующим пунктам, материалы могут быть возвращены авторам, если они не соответствуют этим требованиям.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Руководство для авторов

Author fees
Publication in "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture" is free of charge for all the authors.
The journal doesn't have any Arcticle processing charges.
The journal doesn't have any Article submission charges.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in a reviewer’s own research without the express written consent of the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.
Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.

Requirements to materials submitted for publication

To enhance the quality of the journals and due to the increase of their volume by 1.5 times, the editorial office has developed and adopted new regulations and requirements to the content and design of the materials submitted for publication. These requirements are compulsory to comply with for all the authors, in case of non-compliance of an article’s design with the regulations below the editorial office reserves the right to request a corrected version of the article or refuse to publish it. 

  1. The article should contain original material that has never been published before and meet the following criteria: scientific novelty, practical significance, relevance.
  2. Each original article must be preceded by a brief abstract in the Russian and English languages. The wordage of the abstract must be around 1,700-1,900 characters including spaces between words (about 150-250 words). The authors are responsible for the accuracy and quality of translation that is to be done by a person knowing the English language, and not by a machine translation system. Abstracts must be concise and contain the title of the article, initials and surnames of the authors, brief information about them, the name of the organization where the work was done, the city and keywords. The purpose of the study, research methods, contingent of the subjects and the main results are also indicated in the abstract.  
  3. The following must be mentioned at the beginning of the article: the section preferred by the author, the title of the article, initials and surnames of the authors, academic degrees and titles, the name of the organization where the work was done, the city, the country and keywords (not more than 5-7 words).
  4. Scientific articles must consist of the following sections: Introduction, Research methods and organization, Results and discussion, Conclusions, References. Methodological materials of both pedagogical and biomedical nature must consist of an introduction, practical recommendations, scientific or experimental substantiation and a list of references. The section of practical recommendations is to comprise at least 75% of the total volume of such articles. Articles of polemical and journalistic character for the sections Discussion, Consulting, etc may be written in free format. 
  5. In tables it is necessary to make titles of the columns as short as possible, values easily calculated based on the present ones should not be provided (for example, a difference or percentage), words are not to be clipped or contracted, data described in the text are not to be duplicated. It is desirable to format tables over the entire width of a page. Tables that take up a whole page will not be accepted. 
  6. Figures, drawings and diagrams must be done by any vector graphics software (CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, AutoCAD), the font to be used is Arial. Figures (but not diagrams or drawings) may also be done by means of Word and Excel. The article can be accompanied by photos and drawn pictures of good quality, illustrating carried out experiments. The image quality should allow their polygraphic reproduction without further processing. Illustrations with captions must be embedded in the manuscript file and also attached as separate image files (tiff, jpg) with a resolution of at least 2,000 pixels on one side.
  7. Tables, charts and figures must be placed on a vertical sheet as well as the whole text.
  8. References must be arranged alphabetically according to the rules of bibliographic description, GOST 7.1-2003. Also, a list of references in accordance with the Russian version must be submitted in the English language. References in the text are to be provided in square brackets in accordance with the numbers of the reference list. Footnotes appear in superscript. The responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in the reference list is that of the author.
  9. The manuscript must contain the date of writing, the surnames of all the authors, mailing address, telephone and a mandatory email address of one of the authors. The article must be accompanied by a high-quality portrait photo of the first author (or several authors), the photo is to be a separate vertically oriented graphic file (tiff, jpg) with a resolution of at least 1,280 by 960 pixels (a 1.5 megapixel digital camera is enough to make such a photo).
  10. The article must be exactly 4.5 or 7 pages of A4 size long (bigger volume is possible if so agreed), formatted in accordance with the below rules (for the Editorial Office Portfolio section - from 1 to 2 pages). This volume includes the following: the title of the article, the names of authors with their posts and place of work mentioned, the abstract, the text, tables, illustrations, references, an email address of the author (the photo of the author is not taken into account).
  11. The manuscript file format is MS Word, the right margin is 1 cm, all the rest - 2 cm each, the font is Times New Roman, the title is size 14, the body of the text (including the text of the tables) is size 12, references - size 12. All the text must have 1.5 line interval. Zero indent.
  12. Articles are accepted only by email. The file name must contain the name of the first author and the date of writing (for example, Ivanov02.05.2006.doc), all additional files’ names (with drawings, diagrams, etc) must also contain the author’s surname and the date (for example, Ivanov02.05.2006Photo.tif, Ivanov02.05.2006Ris1.jpg or Ivanov02.05.2006Shema2.cdr). Upon receipt of the article the editorial office will send a notification of its acceptance for publication or a rejection in case of non-compliance of its format with the above requirements to the email address from which it was sent. Be careful while reading your mail.

Requirements to photos of authors to be published in the journal:

  1. Any format (JPG, TIFF, PNG). Any chromaticity, the photo will be black and white in the end.
  2. File size must not be very small (less than 100 KB) - in most cases it means low quality.  
  3. Resolution must be at least 150 dpi (better if it is 300 dpi).
  4. Geometrical dimensions - at least 400 by 500 dots (pixels) if it is a portrait. If it is a full-length photograph, then it must be more.
  5. It is desirable that the author is photographed against a single-color background.


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