О журнале

The Scientific-Theoretical Journal «Theory and Practice of Physical Culture» was founded in 2013. Throughout its history, the journal has taken its place among the elite Russian and international scientific journals. For the years of its existence various governmental and non-governmental organizations repeatedly marked it as a leader among specialized editions in the physical culture and sports industry. It is included in the list of journals, peer-reviewed by Higher Attestation Committee of the Russian Federation (VAK RF).

Mission: provision of scientific information, popularization of scientific views, publishing the results of professional and scientific activities.

Readers of the journal «Theory and Practice of Physical Culture» – statesmen, leaders of sports and scientific organizations, distinguished scholars, teachers and students of physical culture and sports and pedagogical education system. These are intellectual, active, influential leaders of the modern world of science and sport with a high potential of opinions formation.

Online journal

ISSN 2409-4234

Starting year: 2013

Frequency: Monthly

Language : English