ski jumping, young ski jumpers, angular characteristics, fixed support, unstable support, movable support.Abstract
Objective of the study was to analyze the compliance of simulation exercises of young ski jumpers aged 12-14 with modern technical requirements.
Methods and structure of the study. A video recording of simulation exercises in sagittal and frontal projections was made during ground technical training of young ski jumpers aged 12-14 (n=44).
Results and conclusions. The biomechanical analysis of the imitation of jump elements showed that in the position of the acceleration stand, the value of the angle of inclination of the torso (11.59±3.99˚) on a static support was statistically significantly (p˂0.005) less than when simulating on a movable support in jumping boots ( 13.98±4.40˚); the angular values of repulsion simulation on a movable support in jumping boots were closest to the model parameters of the competitive exercise; flight simulation on static and unstable supports had statistically significant differences (p˂0.05) with the model values of the angles in the hip joint and the angle of inclination of the legs. It has been determined that during the ground technical training of young ski jumpers it is necessary to use training facilities that are close in terms of performance conditions to a competitive exercise (on a movable support and in jumping boots - for the acceleration and repulsion stand, on an unstable support - for flight). Each lesson should be accompanied by quality control of these exercises.
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