ski jumping sport, hill size line, standard hill, large hill, jump distance.Abstract
Objective of the study was to analyze the key training elements critical for competitive/ technical progress in modern ski jumping sport.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed for the study purposes statistics of the 2017-2018/ 2018-2019/ 2019-2020 World Ski Jumping Cup Women’s events to find, using the Spearman's rank correlation test, correlations between the style score (competitive/ technical result) and distance score within the landing zone or construction point (K-point) on the hill size line.
Results and conclusion. The national ski jumping training service should give a higher priority to quality and safety of the landing techniques and styles within and behind the K-point on the hill size line. Our study found a strong direct statistical correlation (r=0.78) between the competitive style score and distance score within and behind the K-point on the hill size. The national ski jumping team leaders need to achieve and stabilize the 90% and 95% hill size jumps to enter the top-10 and top-3 (respectively) in the World Cup standard hill events. In the Large Hill World Cup events, the top-3 and top-10 distance score averages should vary at around 95% and 92% the hill size, respectively. The high-distance landings are particularly demanding to the individual musculoskeletal system fitness, and athletes should be well trained for such large hill jumps with a special focus on the high in-run speeds.
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