bar push from the chest, biomechanical characteristics, high-speed video filming, bar turns, asymmetry.Abstract
Objective of the study was to develop and test a methodology for analyzing the asymmetry of the push of the barbell from the chest.
Methods and structure of the study. High-speed 3D video filming was carried out with four cameras. The push-and-pull exercise was performed by the candidate master of sports S. Kh-vym, the weight of the barbell was 125 kg. Coach - Honored Coach of Russia S.A. Syrtsov. An analysis of the push of the barbell from the chest is presented. The method of performing a push of the barbell from the chest is “in scissors”. Shooting was carried out synchronously at a speed of 250 fps.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of the video recording was carried out and the following indicators were calculated: the time dependence of the coordinates, velocities and accelerations of the ends of the bar during the push from the chest, the difference between the vertical and horizontal coordinates of the right and left ends of the bar, the vertical and horizontal components of the forces applied by the athlete to the right and left packages of pancakes. A comparative analysis of these indicators was carried out in two approaches. The moments of time are found at which the minimum and maximum differences of the vertical and horizontal coordinates of the neck ends are reached. Estimates of the asymmetry of the shock have been made. The proposed method can be recommended for use in the training process of athletes and the training of coaches and weightlifting specialists.
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