long-term sports training, football players, professionally oriented model, competence, sportsmanship, competitive activity, skill level.Abstract
Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate the stages of a professionally oriented model of long-term sports training of football players from the standpoint of increasing their competence in competitive activities.
Methods and structure of the study. As a result of the theoretical analysis, the issues related to the current state of the issue of long-term training of young athletes, the requirements for the qualification of football players from the standpoint of increasing competence in competitive activities at various levels have been studied.
Results and conclusions. A professionally-oriented model of long-term sports training of football players is theoretically substantiated from the standpoint of increasing competence in competitive activities. The paper shows that the professionalization of a player goes through certain stages and is determined by three stages of the formation of sportsmanship associated with an increase in competitiveness in various conditions of competitive activity: 1) basic stage; 2) pre-professional stage; 3) professional stage. The competence of a football player is manifested: at the basic stage in the official competitions of young men of the regional and all-Russian levels in the actions of a player on the football field in a role corresponding to his abilities (the stage of professional orientation); at the pre-professional stage - in international competitions in actions in various roles, where the talent of the player is manifested (the stage of professional universalization); at the professional stage - in the optimal role for the most effective performance of their labor functions as part of an adult professional team (stage of professional specialization).
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