physical culture and sports organization, sports management, leader, professionalism, personal qualities.Abstract
Objective of the study was to determine the criteria for the professionalism of the head of a sports organization.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the study, an analysis of literary sources was carried out, which makes it possible to identify the most significant managerial qualities of a sports leader. To rank these qualities, a survey method was used - a questionnaire. The survey was conducted in Nizhny Novgorod in September 2021, in which managers and specialists of ten physical culture and sports organizations took part.
Results and conclusions. The vast majority of employees and managers of sports organizations see in the leader a strong personality with pronounced leadership qualities, manifested in organizational skills, discipline and self-control, sociability, psychological skills, indisputable authority, responsibility and the ability to defend the interests of the organization, forming a single, systemic concept of leadership. These personal qualities determine the professional competence of a sports leader, which is an integrated result of special education, socialization, practical skills and psychological characteristics.
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