Historical development of domestic army hand-to-hand combat as a sport
development trends, Russia, military-applied sport, army hand-to-hand combat.Abstract
Objective of the study was to identify development trends in Russia of the military-applied sport "Army hand-to-hand combat".
Methods and structure of the study. The following were used in the work: analysis and generalization of scientific literature, statistical data, practice of organizing army hand-to-hand combat (АHHС); studying the best practices of the training process; observation; conversation; generalization; study of documentation; specific methods of the history of pedagogy: historiographic, determinant-genetic and problem-genetic analyzes of the problem.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of theoretical and empirical sources made it possible to identify the following features of the development of the АHHС as a military-applied sport in Russia from 1979 to the present: improvement of the organizational foundations and regulatory framework of the АHHС; geographical expansion of the АHHС in the regions of Russia; familiarizing pre-conscription and civilian youth with military hand-to-hand combat; improving tactics, increasing the speed and dynamics of the battle, increasing the entertainment of fights; increase in the number of competitions, athletes involved in АHHС (before 2010, positive dynamics, and after 2010 - negative); increased competition of АHHС from other types of martial arts; the outflow of children of school age 7-13 years old engaged in АHHС in the second or third years of training, improving the equipment of athletes.
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