Justification of the effectiveness of the online course for sports judges on the example of kyokushin karate
online education, digitalization, educational content, physical culture and sports.Abstract
Objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of online training in the preparation of judging for
sports competitions using the example of Kyokushin karate.
Methods and structure of the study. To prepare referees for work at sports competitions, an online course "KWU
Kyokushin Competition Rules (Kumite)" was created and implemented. This course was used in the preparation of sports
referees for the 2019 KWU Kyokushin World Championship and the 2021 KWU Kyokushin European Championship. The con-
trol group of participants studied at seminars in person, the experimental group - in a mixed format with an online course. In
the course of the study, a comparative analysis of the results of testing in the CG and the EG was carried out based on the
results of training, as well as the evaluation of the work of refereeing at competitions.
Results and conclusions. The results of the judges passing the online course on the rules of KWU Kyokushin karate,
as well as the final testing before the tournament and the assessment of the work of judges at competitions, showed that
the mixed format of advanced training programs for sports judges before competitions using online training gives the same
effectiveness as face-to-face seminars that require longer time and additional costs.
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