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The impact of holding major sports competitions on the brand of the state (on the example of the olympic games in sochi and the world football cup in Russia)


  • N.Yu. Markushina Saint-Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
  • N.L. Parthenonok Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
  • E.F. Askerova Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
  • D.Z. Bakhshiev Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg


sports diplomacy, national branding, Olympic Games, World Cup, soft power, spectral power.


Objective of the study was to determine the impact of major sports competitions on the brand of the state on the ex-
ample of the Olympic Games in Sochi and the World Cup in Russia.
Methods and structure of the study. When writing the article, a comparative analysis of the ratings of state brands,
reports of the tourism and investment markets was used, and a case study was conducted based on reports on two major
sports competitions in Russia.
Results and conclusions. Noting the improvement in the positions of the Russian Federation in the ranking of national
brands after major competitions, the article highlights the following factors for promoting the brand of the state: the visit of
the first persons of the states during the competitions and the holding of high-level meetings taking into account the con-
tinued sanctions regime and very limited visits by most European leaders to Russia), attracting extrabudgetary investments
and economic growth, developing a number of infrastructure elements, adapting the tourism sector in accordance with
modern international requirements and standards, as well as a significantly increasing tourist flow, and therefore familiarity
with national history, culture and traditions. These criteria are universal for analyzing the successful impact of major sports
competitions and can be used to analyze the evolution of the brand of any state.

Author Biographies

N.Yu. Markushina, Saint-Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

Dr. Pol., Professor

E.F. Askerova, Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

Postgraduate student

D.Z. Bakhshiev, Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

Postgraduate student

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How to Cite

Markushina, . N. ., Parthenonok, N. ., Askerova, . E. ., & Bakhshiev, . D. . (2022). The impact of holding major sports competitions on the brand of the state (on the example of the olympic games in sochi and the world football cup in Russia). Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (4), 28–31. Retrieved from

