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Big data analysis as a tool for assessing professionalization of computer sports


  • A.V. Ermakov Russian University of Sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow
  • E.N. Skarzhinskaya Moscow University for Industriy and Finance "Synergy", Moscow


artificial intelligence, big data, sports economics, professional sports, e-sports, computer sports, Dota2.


Objective of the study was to substantiate the criteria and assess the level of professionalization of the sport "Computer Sports" using big data analysis tools.

Methods and structure of the study. The analysis of organizational and economic characteristics of eSports tournaments of various levels (Tier 1 and Tier 2) was carried out using a Python script and library script for this study. A statistical analysis of the numerical variables of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 teams by years (2011-2022) is also presented.

Results and conclusions. The signs of professionalization of the studied eSports discipline were revealed, which indicated the need to build scientific and methodological support for sports training.


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Esports job spotlight: Coach/Analyst Available at: (date of access: 09.26.2022).

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How to Cite

Ermakov, A. ., & Skarzhinskaya, E. . (2023). Big data analysis as a tool for assessing professionalization of computer sports. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (4), 9–12. Retrieved from




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