children, preschool age, physical culture and motor activity, sociological survey.Abstract
Objective of the study was to identify factors influencing the organization of physical culture and sports activity of preschool children based on sociological analysis.
Methods and structure of the study. A sociological survey was conducted as part of the implementation of the Federal project "Sport is the norm of life" in 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Respondents: 1205 parents of children aged 3 to 5, representing the economically active population. CATI and CAWI technologies were used, the method of group focused interviewing (focus groups) using elements of facialscanning technology.
Results and conclusions. It was determined that it is necessary to correct the priority areas of work in the organization of physical culture and sports work with preschoolers, including the improvement of work on the formation and increase of the level of motivation for this activity of all interested persons; increasing the efficiency of physical education and sports based on the search for and implementation of innovative technologies, forms and methods of organizing physical culture and sports activities for preschool children; creation of appropriate objective conditions for the effective organization of this work at home, in preschools, at the place of residence (appropriate sports facilities, sports equipment, as well as training and retraining of qualified specialists).
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