The classification of technical devices in the training process of athletes playing games


  • Guba V.P. 1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK»; Smolensk State University of Sports
  • Rodin A.V. Smolensk State University of Sports
  • Skripko A.D. Kalisz Academy named after Stanisław Wojciechowski
  • Pleshakov A.A. Moscow Polytechnic University


sports games, training process, types of sports training, technical devices, classification features.


Objective of the study was to examine, summarize, and categorize the technological instruments that enhance athletic performance in competitive sports.

Methods and structure of the study. In the course of this research, theoretical methods were employed, including the examination of existing literature, categorization, and the application of structural-functional and systematic approaches. The classification of technical devices used in sports games for different types of training was developed based on the theoretical and methodological works of V.G. Alabin, D.D. Donskoy, I.P. Ratov, G.I. Popov, S.P. Evseev, T.P. Yushkevich, and V.P. Guba.

Results and conclusions. The categorization of equipment employed in sports activities entails the establishment of distinct levels of classification.

To summarize the research conducted by Russian experts, it is important to highlight that in the realm of sports games, the fundamental classification levels encompass the structure, form, and purpose of the equipment utilized in the long-term training of basketball players, volleyball players, and football players, among others.

The categorization of equipment allows for the identification of the most effective tools for a specific aspect of sports training. The consolidation of classification features that pertain to the utilization of equipment in the training process of athletes contributes to the development of the theoretical and methodological framework for the chosen sport within the context of its respective training modalities.


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How to Cite

Guba V.P., Rodin A.V., Skripko A.D., & Pleshakov A.A. (2025). The classification of technical devices in the training process of athletes playing games. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, (2), 13–15. Retrieved from

